Corporate Design | Campaign
2024 is wild, luxurious, fancy
Fashion is self-expression, individuality, an art form. Feucht Mode stands for fashion. Our new fall campaign writes the next chapter in this multifaceted success story.

New Look, New Perspectives
Fashion is more than “only” fancy couture. Fashion is a way of life, tells stories, creates individuality. Feucht Mode stands for fashion. And our new autumn campaign writes the next chapter of this success story.

NEW Styling
The first impression counts – especially in the world of fashion. Our redesign of the previous corporate design of Feucht Mode presents the brand in an updated and fresher look. With various design and text elements, we spice things up and also address a younger and online-oriented target group. Now, Feucht Mode appears in a more playful light than ever and uses images and text to inspire curiosity and interest. For a stylish shopping experience.