Es wird… Happy Wedding.
Hochzeitsmesse 2025.
Die Hochzeitsglocken läuten bei Feucht Sportler. Mit unserem Key Visual werfen wir den Blumenstrauß in die Höhe und begleiten die Messebesucher auf Schritt und Tritt. Online und offline. Auf Social Media, am POS und out-of-home.

It’s going to be… a Happy X-Mas.
This Christmas, we’re raising the bar even higher at Feucht Sportler. Our glitter man will accompany all shopping enthusiasts every step of the way. Online and offline. On social media, at the point of sale, and out-of-home.

Pure Awesomeness … at Feucht & Sportler
A distinctive building, an outstanding location, two first-class businesses. The fashion company Feucht and the sports goods retailer Sportler decided to continue on a shared path, namely at Grabenweg 60 in Innsbruck. On three levels and 11,000 m2, their stores offer a vibrant combination of fashion, sports articles and lifestyle. In order to provide a proper forum to this happening, we developed a pinpoint 360-degree campaign. Both offline (with placards, advertisements, direct mailings, POS marketing and more) and online (with an interactive landing page, a social media campaign and a newsletter).